June 22, 1955 Sports, Inc. LetterOn June 22, 1955 in response to a request for a current catalog, Sports, Inc. sent the following letter to a customer:
SPORTS, INC. "Everything for Outdoors" Thanks for your inquiry. Our latest Price List of FRANZITE products which enjoy a wide reputation for excellence is enclosed, over 175 sizes and 7 colors to choose from. FRANZITE GRIPS ARE AMERICA'S FINEST! Not $20.00 or $15.00 or $10.00, but at the amazingly low price of $2.50 to $8.00 a pair. FRANZITE GRIPS WILL MAKE YOUR GUN LOOK, AIM AND SHOOT BETTER! THEY HAVE EVERYTHING A SHOOTER DESIRES. Smart looking! A firm sure grip! Unbreakable! Washable! An excellent fit! Easily installed. Target Grips have been PREFITTED and FINISHED on a gun frame. Select your grips from our catalog NOW and mail your order TODAY! You will be delighted with them as are thousands of customers everywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed! Sports, Inc. by P. Von Frantzius |