1955 Franzite Grips Catalog
Price List
Effective January 1st, 1955
for Revolvers and Pistols, also other products
"The most durable grips made"
Franzite products are molded from a touch, colorful and virtually in-
destructible plastic composition of superior strength and beauty, having
a high luster, uniform texture, and possessing a quality of hornlike
toughness. The beautiful and luxurious color combinations rival genuine
ivory, walnut, pearl, onyx, agate and ebony.
These popular gun grips are made from precision dies to exacting
standards in the following rich, luxurious colors and finishes.
Effective January 1st, 1955
for Revolvers and Pistols, also other products
"The most durable grips made"
Franzite products are molded from a touch, colorful and virtually in-
destructible plastic composition of superior strength and beauty, having
a high luster, uniform texture, and possessing a quality of hornlike
toughness. The beautiful and luxurious color combinations rival genuine
ivory, walnut, pearl, onyx, agate and ebony.
These popular gun grips are made from precision dies to exacting
standards in the following rich, luxurious colors and finishes.
A. Conventional Style
Checkered Finish 1. Ivory 2. Pearl 3. Walnut 4. Agate 5. Onyx 6. Black |
B. Smooth and Polished Finish
1. Ivory 2. Walnut 3. Onyx C. Staghorn D. Carved Ivory |
FRANZITE grips are made only in specific sizes indicated herein. Not all sizes
are made in all finishes and styles. However new dies are being made from time
to time.
FRANZITE grips are unaffected by ordinary temperatures, weather conditions, mois-
ture or perspiration and are not damaged by contact with most vegetable and
mineral oils. If they become soiled, they may be cleaned by brushing with
ivory soap and warm water. The high luster of FRANZITE grips is unimpaired
by constant use, and since the color is an integral part of the grip, it cannot chip
or peel. FRANZITE grips fitted to a gun will give it an appearance of luxury
and beauty. Your gun will be admired by others. FRANZITE grips combine their
beauty, pleasant feel and cleanliness with the rigidity of metal.
Conventional grips are considered standard. They are made in checkered, smooth
and factory designs. They are duplicates of standard factory grips in shape, size,
and thickness. FRANZITE grips are molded to exacting standards and will fit
your gun perfectly.
All target grips have been prefitted to a gun frame so when you receive them they
should fit perfectly. You can install or remove them instantly yourself. No altering
of gun is necessary. FRANZITE grips give a sure, non-slip hold because the
checkering provides a uniform gripping surface.
All grips are supplied with screws except C-38, C-45, HR-4, all Hi-Standard, IJ-68,
IJ-833, SR-33, S-07, S-17, BYD, L-XA, P-08, M-25, M-32, M-HSc, DW25, DW-32,
RAD-9, FS-25, FS-32, B-25, B-32, CZ-32, FN-32, O/M, RS-22, SS-32, SS-38h, and
(M) Indicates that grips can be supplied with or without FRANZITE MONOGRAMS.
In the absence of any instructions we will use our own judgement in supplying
FRANZITE monograms on grips. Genuine FRANZITE grips may be recognized by
the manufacturers name molded in each grip.
FRANZITE grips are supplied for only one model Spanish pistol, namely the
"Llama" (die No. 178). For making other Spanish and American pistol grips, you
are referred to G8-4 (116) FRANZITE grip blanks and escutcheans.
are made in all finishes and styles. However new dies are being made from time
to time.
FRANZITE grips are unaffected by ordinary temperatures, weather conditions, mois-
ture or perspiration and are not damaged by contact with most vegetable and
mineral oils. If they become soiled, they may be cleaned by brushing with
ivory soap and warm water. The high luster of FRANZITE grips is unimpaired
by constant use, and since the color is an integral part of the grip, it cannot chip
or peel. FRANZITE grips fitted to a gun will give it an appearance of luxury
and beauty. Your gun will be admired by others. FRANZITE grips combine their
beauty, pleasant feel and cleanliness with the rigidity of metal.
Conventional grips are considered standard. They are made in checkered, smooth
and factory designs. They are duplicates of standard factory grips in shape, size,
and thickness. FRANZITE grips are molded to exacting standards and will fit
your gun perfectly.
All target grips have been prefitted to a gun frame so when you receive them they
should fit perfectly. You can install or remove them instantly yourself. No altering
of gun is necessary. FRANZITE grips give a sure, non-slip hold because the
checkering provides a uniform gripping surface.
All grips are supplied with screws except C-38, C-45, HR-4, all Hi-Standard, IJ-68,
IJ-833, SR-33, S-07, S-17, BYD, L-XA, P-08, M-25, M-32, M-HSc, DW25, DW-32,
RAD-9, FS-25, FS-32, B-25, B-32, CZ-32, FN-32, O/M, RS-22, SS-32, SS-38h, and
(M) Indicates that grips can be supplied with or without FRANZITE MONOGRAMS.
In the absence of any instructions we will use our own judgement in supplying
FRANZITE monograms on grips. Genuine FRANZITE grips may be recognized by
the manufacturers name molded in each grip.
FRANZITE grips are supplied for only one model Spanish pistol, namely the
"Llama" (die No. 178). For making other Spanish and American pistol grips, you
are referred to G8-4 (116) FRANZITE grip blanks and escutcheans.