Buy Right With Franzite!Non-Breakable, Guaranteed-- For All America, Many Foreign Guns
Non-slip, precision-fitted FRANZITE GRIPS are the most durable made! Lustrous, beautiful permanent colors, smooth, checkered, staghorn and fancy carved; truly distinctive. Long-wearing. Unaffected by moisture, perspiration, most mineral, vegetable oils. Will not chip or peel. Conventional or conversion styles. Also target grips, with or without thumb rest. in Ivory, Pearl, Onyx, Agate, Walnut, Black, Staghorn finishes for all popular guns. Low cost, $2.50 to $8.00 - see our complete catalog! Franzite Grips Are Sold Under Our Guarantee -FREE CATALOG- Write today for 28-page book. Prices, illustrates grips for all American makes, plus foreign. SPORTS, INC. 5501 Broadway Dept CJ-5 Chicago 40, Ill (Circle No. 24 on Inquiry Card) |