Mauser 1910 Pocket Pistol .25 Cal / 6.35mmMauser was a German arms manufacturer from the late 1800s to late 1900s that designed firearms for both the German armed forces as well as the civilian market. The Mauser model 1910 pistol is a simple blowback operated pistol with a stationary but easily removable barrel. The barrel is held to the frame by the long pin which passes through two underbarrel lugs below the barrel (one at the front and one below the breech). For disassembly, slide of the pistol is locked back, and pin is unlocked and rotated sideways, then pulled out to the front, so the barrel can be pulled up from the frame. The slide of this pistol has a characteristic
open-top appearance, with a separate ejection window on the right side. The trigger is striker fired with fixed sites and a manual safety which is located in the cut out of the left grip panel just behind the trigger. The pistol also features a magazine disconnect safety and has a slide hold-open device installed in pistol. Inserting a fresh magazine releases the open slide. The magazine release is located at the base of the pistol grip. The original grip panels were usually made from wood, but late production guns featured plastic grips. Franzite GripsFranzite Grips for the Mauser 1910 including faux ivory, walnut, and smoked pearl grips. Shown below are the smoke pearl grips.